
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Rice Cereal Experience

Since Eli is now 4 months old he is able to start eating solid foods. We were so excited for him to start eating rice cereal!!! We were hoping that once he started eating solid foods he would gain some weight. At this 4 month appointment he only weighed 10 pounds. He is in the 0 percentile for his weight and just a small guy!!!! We love him. So we tried the rice cereal and it turned out to be one interesting experience.

He loved playing with the packaging that came around the rice cereal

Needless to say, it was a terrifying experience for little Eli. Don't fear! We will try again and hopefully it will be a better experience. Poor guy! Hope everyone is having a great week so far!


  1. hahaha oh my goodness!!! That was the saddest/cutest thing ever!

  2. Blaine didn't really seem to like the texture until I thickened it up. Although he didn't cry like Eli! I know you're supposed to gradually thicken it over 2 weeks time, but I thickened it up over a few days and he started eating it. Then he really started to like it once I added a little bit of fruit. Blaine prefers oatmeal to that nasty cardboard of a "cereal."
